Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Anti-Mafia Ristorante

Some of you may have heard about Antica Focacceria San Francesco.  The NYT wrote about it in July:

The owner of this Sicilian ristorante, Vincenzo Conticello, made waves by standing up to the Mafia.  Mr. Conticello has refused to comply with the Mafia "shake-downs" that you always hear about or see in the movies -- he would not pay the pizzo, or protection fee, that the Mafia in Palermo (in Sicily) demanded.  Read the article.  You'll hear about what happened after Conticello refused.

What's more relevant for our purposes is that Conticello opened two relatively new branches of Antica Focacceria San Francesco in Roma.  I'm going to one of them tomorrow night with some friends.  I'll report back on the food.  On the politics, you can make your own judgments.

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